Isaac Newton Rule: How Digital Marketing Campaigns Can be More Effective

Why is understanding design and relevant cultural trends so important in marketing?

Isaac Newton stated the rule: “We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.” Translated for media purposes – when you are creating a campaign make sure that you keep it simple, provide your audience with the love and passion you have for the product or service, and make it relevant.

For example in the following digital campaign for Ragu the famous maker of pasta sauce, they have created a visual and text that lacks passion and the love they should have for their product line.


Now, compare Ragu’s approach with the following brand. Innocent uses the passion they have for their brand, and relevancy for todays label reading shoppers to engage the customer emotionally and intellectually. The brand “makes us think” and also tries to “change us to suit the world as it is today”.


There is a clean large image, the design is contemporary and relavant, ingredients and nutritional info are easily made available (a requirement for so many shoppers these days, reviews (social engagement opportunity), and the paragraph description is short and can be read quickly.

Innocent 2

Awesome – what other examples of good relevant design and copy have you find online lately?

(Thanks Avinash Kaushik for your insight)